Wednesday, March 29, 2006

New Blog

In order to keep the weight-loss/health stuff separate from my usual stuff, I've started a new blog here. It's in a rough state at the moment, so please bear with me. Also, I'm requesting help to name the blasted thing. Suggestions are greatly appreciated (see post over there).

I've done a bit of research on WW. As it turns out there are lots of meetings I can go to. I'm not sure when I'll start, but I'm feeling more comfortable with the idea. And hey, timing is everything: they have a special going on now for $15 to join rather than $45. Yay!

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Diabetes Alert Day

Please forgive me as I ramble on about a subject that is near and dear to my heart pancreas:

Dear Abby says today is the American Diabetes Association's Diabetes Alert Day. Here's a link to an assessment test.

Personally, I don't think that assessment test is worth much. While there is probably something in my genetic makeup that makes me susceptible to diabetes, I'm the only one in my family to have it. Two of my four brothers, my mother and father all have weight problems. Yet they are not diabetic. There isn't any diabetes on my mum's side of the family (I don't know about dear ol' dad's side of the family because I have nothing to do with him or his family). What I'm trying to say is the next time you're at your doctors ask to be tested. You can be at an ideal weight, eat well and have no diabetics in your family, yet you can still be diabetic or at risk at developing it.

In anticipation of yesterday's doctor's appointment, I had blood work done a couple weeks ago. The prognosis, as it stands, isn't good. At my last appointment my good cholesterol was good and my bad was a little higher than it should be. This time my triglycerides are so high they can't get a good reading on my cholesterol levels. I now have a prescription for meds to lower my cholesterol. My HA1c is at nine point something. The best it's been is eight something. It should be seven or lower. My kidneys are leaking protein into my urine. That indicates artery damage in my kidneys which indicates artery damage elsewhere (heart, etc.).

My doc wants me to test my blood glucose four times a day for a week and I'm to see him again on Monday. He said at this point my options are to up the drugs I'm currently taking (metformin and glyburide), or add Avandia (another diabetes med), or move on to insulin. We'll see how this week's testing goes and discuss those options on Monday.

Doc also strongly suggested that I need to lose weight and that I go to Weight Watchers to do so. He mentioned this before and Eli and I discussed it but we really didn't take it anywhere. I'm going to do some online research today on WW (where, when, how much) and follow up on it. I am also going to start walking every day (from our RV to the RV park entrance and back is about a mile - pretty much perfect).

It's probably needless to say but the ride home from the appointment was rough. This is a lot of bad news in one big lump. I haven't felt this devastated (health-wise) since I was diagnosed. However, I think it's really woken me up to reality. I have to do something about this if I want any quality of life. I guess it comes down to do I want to live to eat or eat to live.

So, does anyone have any links, anecdotes, etc. for WW? Any and all info would be appreciated.

Friday, March 24, 2006

Did I Mention...

Actually, I know I didn't. Remember me tripping up the stairs to the washroom? (Oops, I just looked at my archives and I forgot to tell y'all. I tripped on the bottom step lip thingie turning my right knee into spam and shredding my left big toenail. It's pretty much healed now with a bit of scab remaining on my knee.) Tuesday, on my way to Mum's, I stopped in at Burger King for breakfast. As I was leaving I stepped off a curb and my right ankle/foot twisted under me and down I went. Thank the gods the parking lot was empty and no one saw me. So, now my left knee resembles spam and my ankle is stiff and sore. Well, all of me is kinda stiff and sore. Anyway, what's weird is the area just above my left breast (hee, she said breast!) is sore. I think I had my hands kinda tucked under me when I landed and that's what happened to my boob (boob!).

I'm such a klutz.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

She's Baaack!

Had a luverly trip. Helped Mum buy shoes for the wedding and she bought me a pair of earrings as a thank you. Prezzies are always appreciated.

The meetup went really well. Met about a dozen MetaPeople. I'm always pleasantly surprised when people seem genuinely happy to meet me and that seemed to be the case. I came out of my shell enough to engage a bit and had a really good time. I ended up not taking any photographs. There were at least two other cameras in action tho', but if someone took photos of me, I was unaware of it. However, if there's a decent one, I'll share.

Note to self: now that it's Spring, I need to do something to brighten up the place. I'm thinking green or yellow. Cheerful, you know? Okay, enough talking to myself.

Monday, March 20, 2006


Eli just got a temporary promotion including a 10.25% increase in his salary. A coworker is on maternity leave for a year and Eli gets to fill in for her. The contract says it's for only six months but it's likely to be extended another six months at that time.

I'm leaving tomorrow morning to spend a couple days at Mum's. I'm going to my first Meetup on Wednesday night (it takes place in Seattle). I'm already nervous but I can't wait to meet whomever shows up from MetaChat and MetaFilter. I already feel nervous enough to barf, but I'm sure it'll be fine.

And it'll be fun to see Mum for a couple days. I owe her a birthday present and we'll go shopping for that. She also needs shoes, if not a dress, for Bro#2's wedding. Shopping for that should be fun as well.

Ran across a really interesting site the other day: Mysterious People. I've only looked at a couple pages so far, but y'all may enjoy it.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Are We Having Fun Yet?

Hm. Eli's computer is hung.
Let's see if turning the monitor off and on will do it.
Nope. Okay, let's reboot it. La la la.
Well, no internet connection, that's odd.
We'll do the ol' hook and rehook the cable trick. La la la.
Still nothing. Well that's just weird.
Let's reboot the whole modem then. La la la.
And now let's restart the computer. Yay!
Alrighty then.
Ahhh, EverQuest has an update. La la la.
Update is done, let's start EQ.
Hm. That's weird.
Windows error, wants to send report to Mr. Gates. Let's click no.
Trying again... same error. Bugger! And buzz off Mr. Gates!
Let's try a restart on the pc. La la la.
Trying EQ again. Alright, now we're getting pissed off. Stupid computer.
Let's hard boot this freakin' thing. La la la.
Trying EQ again. Dammit! Oh well, Eli gets to deal with it later.

And no, I'm not going to update my EQ install at this point. Do I look stupid?
Don't answer that!

Suzy Homemaker

There will be a quick flurry of house-cleaning today. Mum and her best friend will be here tomorrow for a short visit. BF is visiting from Las Vegas for their joint birthday (March 18). At this point the plans are to visit Fort Langley for shopping and lunch. I don't know that we'll make it to the actual fort, but the town has a little shopping area that's kinda fun and I think that's what we're aiming at. Eh, we'll see what happens.

As for the trip to Las Vegas in May for Bro#2's wedding - ain't gonna happen. Eli and I decided that we'd rather save the money that Vegas would cost (approx $1500 USD) for our plans in September (Vancouver Island among other things).

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Oh, The Weather Outside Is Frightful

It didn't snow much last night. Just enough to give the grass dandruff. This morning, however, it's been snowing and snowing and snowing. And snowing some more.

Management just came by and shoveled the walks. It's not going to stay clear long.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Blizzard, Anyone?

We may actually get snow tonight. It's coming down really good in Vancouver and Burnaby (about 15 miles from here). On top of it we're expected to get 80 to 90 kph winds.

Friday, March 03, 2006

Kodak Moments

If you've ever been curious on how a person (or two) live in the small space of an RV, you're in luck. I've uploaded a set to flickr for your viewing pleasure.

There are also new photos of Oliver and Abigail.